Pisco sour virgin

Everything I have read about pisco sours told me NO! Egg white is for making meringues not adding to a cocktail. Same goes for a prairie oyster…WHY?

Anyway for an early, light and safe supper…you know by now that I like to eat regularly…I decided to try the highly recommended Swiss cafe, La Tiendacita Blanca which is only a block away from my guest house.

The lightest thing I could find on the menu was the smoked salmon on toast with lime, capers and onion. Delicious. Given my recent fight with a bacon sandwich, I passed on what was described as “three little pigs” ( English ham, Serrano ham, smoked tenderloin, Edam cheese, organic lettuce [that will help], and mayonnaise).

imageAnyway one of the menu options cane with a pisco sour and as I have always argued that you must at least try, I felt my arm being twisted behind my back. Oh, go on then make that a pisco sour. So, I am a PS virgin no more.

Interestingly, I quite liked it. Possibly, because the hit of alcohol and lime juice would mask an egg yolk let alone the white. It is not dissimilar from a strong margarita or even a caipirinha..two of my favourites… so I may continue with Peru’s national drink. Two or three at altitude should be fun!!